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Burning Water is an independent literary magazine in which speculative/science fiction and nature writing converge. Based in Edmonton, Alberta and run by Toby, Chris and Kristen, we are proud to offer a space for an unexplored and contemporary era of nature writing.


A Hiatus for Burning Water

We’ve made the difficult decision to put Burning Water Magazine on a hiatus of undetermined length. Our upcoming Fall 2017 issue will mark the end of our second year, and due to changing obligations in each of our lives we’ve found ourselves less able to dedicate the care that we believe Burning Water deserves. Our email will continue to be monitored.
We would like to thank everyone for their incredible support over the last two years. The reception from our community has been staggering. What began as a one-off passion project has grown into something that we are honoured and humbled to be a part of. While we don't know exactly what the future holds for Burning Water, we are certain that we will return, and hope that you will join us again in exploring the place where nature meets science fiction.


Please email us if you'd like more information or if you'd like to acquire an old issue of Burning Water:

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